Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mamavation Monday

Last Week’s Goals:
-Walk 10 miles [there is about a foot and a half of snow so hoping to get as much walking as I can]
-Pack lunch the 3 days I’m in the office
-Eat healthy snacks
-Do a workout DVD one time this week
-Limit alcohol intake on New Years

This week walking totals:

Monday: 1 mile
Tuesday: 2.8 miles
Wednesday: 2.8 miles
Thursday: 2.7 miles
Friday: 2.5 miles
Saturday: 3 miles
Sunday: 1.9 miles

TOTAL: 16.7 miles

Woo-Hoo, I surpassed my walking total by 6.7 miles which is great! Luckily we didn’t have any more snow, pair that with warmer temperatures and walking wasn’t too difficult this week. This weekend my daughter and I walked a total of 4.9 miles together! That is a lot for her little legs!! This is her today on our walk:
And today I did Day 1 of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. If you are unfamiliar with Jillian Michaels, she does not play around. She can be very intimidating. She means business. There are 3 levels and workouts are only 20 minutes, which is great for my schedule. But, you do not stop moving the entire 20 minutes. I literally laid on the floor for 10 minutes after I completed today’s workout. I was beat. I used 5lb weights for the arm workouts and figured that would be too heavy, but it proved to be quite hard and I know my arms are going to burn tomorrow. But no pain, no gain. I am doing the Shred with Tara over at The Young Mommy Life so we are going to keep each other motivated and accountable. I am hoping Ro over at RandomRoRo will join in as well! Let me know if you want to join in The Shred-Get it right, get it tight team! Lol
My daughter wanted to work out as well and she was sooo ready for 20 minutes with Jillian:
I did a good job at bringing lunch last week and am going to do better this week!! I made a big pot of yummy Lentil soup for lunch and look at all the yummy snacks I have for the week:
I've got: almonds, cucumbers, apples, celery, carrots, tangerines, almond butter, wheat thins, and a couple of mixes from Target

To help me with water intake I’m going to be using some Crystal Light packets [thanks ThrBabyMamaChronicles], but not the entire packet in my water bottle. Using the entire packet makes the water way too sweet for my taste.

I did great with my alcohol intake on New Years, because what I got to drink at home [Skinny Girl Margarita] was absolutely disgusting!!

So all in all I think I did pretty damn good with my goals for this week!

-Ordered a great Eat Smart Precision Scale from Amazon, so now I can get accurate readings of my weight! My scale now is old and never accurate.
-Finally went out an bought a foam roller to relieve the tension in my muscles, I’m very excited about finally using it!
-Won a Kymaro Door Trainer from Mamavation [thank you!] so excited to do some pushups, situps, and dips!

This weeks goals:

-Walk 18 miles
-Continue with The Shred
-Continue eating healthy snacks
-Increase water intake
-Become a Mamavation Mom finalist

Ok Glowicious readers, if you don’t know, I’m applying to be the next Mamavation Mom and there are just 3 more days to voice your support for me to be a Mamavation Mom. I’ve had such tremendous support and I thank you all for believing in me and voicing your opinion. Finalists are chosen on January 5th so I am asking you to please continue the support by doing the following:

Please head over to Mamavation and tell bookieboo that you believe I would be a great Mamavation mom. Please use my twitter handle @YoungFabMama

And please keep the support going on Twitter by tweeting:
“Hey @bookieboo! I want (@YoungFabMama) to be the next #Mamavation Mom. She has my support!

What are ways you can work out without having to leave the house?
Now that the weather is cold, exercising inside is ideal for many people. While I dont have one [yet] I hear systems like Wii & Xbox Kinect are great interactive ways to exercise and have fun within the comfort of your own home.
I have purchased a few dvds that vary in style, and I'm able to choose which one fits my mood and workout style.

MAMAVATION TV: Join us Monday night at 7pm PST/10pm EST on Mingle Media TV. The Mamavation Mom applicants [including myself] will be special guests!!
BLOGGING CARNIVAL: This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by GameStop.