Tuesday, March 16, 2010

About Mommy Glow

I’m a Mom…I’m a Woman…I’m 25…I’m African American and Colombian…I'm a student with big dreams… I've learned you can't plan life; all you can do is live each day as it is given to you…I...have abstract thoughts... am intelligent and hopeful... love freedom... am a solider of love...tend to take a step back from the world...have dreams, hopes, goals... am determined, daring, stubborn... can be rebellious when restricted... wear my emotions on my sleeve... love making friends and meeting new people...my strength comes from my daughter and my weakness is that my head can sometimes become stuck in the clouds...believe that every human has a passion which gets them up and out of bed each morning...live with a passion for life, justice and equality for all…those are a start...follow my heart when I can understand it... take comfort knowing that with a new day comes new strength and new thoughts.. .
I'm just a girl trying to make it in this world, trying to give back to the world, trying to be who I am and not conform to who I think I should be, trying to have a little left over after rent, trying to follow my heart, trying to keep it together when i feel like letting it all go, trying to do the "right" thing, trying love and be loved, trying to put my clothes away instead of creating an overwhelming pile of clean clothes, trying and trying and trying...

Why Mommy Glow:
I spent a lot of time coming up with catchy names for this blog. And as I was brainstorming I came up with Mommy Glow. It had right amount of sass and pop that I had hoped for. And I must say, the name truly suits me. Regardless of the fact that I’m a young single mom who is working full-time and in school full-time and raising an overly energetic daughter, I still have that Mommy Glow. The world seems to stop when I see and spend time with my little bundle of joy. She lights up my life. Though let me include not everything is sunshine and happy days in our house, everyday has its struggles and challenges, and I deal with them the best that I can. I make mistakes, I mean, I’m only human. But my daughter keeps me going, she replenishes my energy tank, and just when I don’t think I can go anymore I hear her little voice say, “mama, you’re my best girl” and that goes lights me from within and I keep fighting the fight.

What you can expect from Mommy Glow:
I created Mommy Glow to become a voice for a silent demographic. I’m a 24 year old minority single Mom, and it disappoints me that my demographic is represented negatively. I struggle daily with all of my responsibilities and sometimes I just want to scream. Ahhhhh!! That’s better.
So I’m here to share with you my story as I continue growing and learning as a woman and mother. It's not my intention to update my followers on my daughter's every move. Yes, she is my inspiration, but this blog covers much more than Yo Gabba Gabba and Pediatrician appointments.
I’ll share my reactions to articles and books I read and share thoughts on the world around me. I’ll also share tips from friends on hair, makeup, skin, and photography. So strap yourselves in and get ready for a hell of a ride!