Just because information is on the Internet does not mean its “free” to take and steal. All content [written and photographs] by Mommy Glow is copyrighted and protected under copyright laws and are known as intellectual property. While it is nice to think that everything on the Internet is or should be free, for the most part it is. It is free to read, look at, wonder about, and even write about. It is not free to steal, make money from it, or use it as your own.
Copyright Regulations for Content on Mommy Glow
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What happens when you steal content from Mommy Glow?
You will only be given one warning. If it is unheeded, I will proceed to the following steps after I have gathered definite proof of your copyright violation:
· I will report this copyright violation to your web hosting company and attempt to get all your websites suspended. I will report all copyright violations to all advertising networks you use, especially Adsense and private advertisers. This will hurt your source of income online.
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