Friday, April 29, 2011

Interview with Nicole Lynn Lewis

I came across Nicole Lynn Lewis's site last year, and ever since then I've been a huge fan of hers. Shes a mother, author, wife, businesswoman, public speaker, and former teen mom. She inspires me and continues to pay it forward everyday. 

Below is a part of my interview with Nicole:

I think you have to turn setbacks into challenges. Don’t let them stop you in your tracks. Look at the problem and try to think of a solution. You can either accept your situation or you can decide that you want more for yourself and work your way out of it. It’s going to be difficult and embarrassing at times and people are going to doubt you, but if you are able to turn your story into a testimony, the rewards are great. Not only do you change the course of your life, but you inspire others, and that’s an amazing feeling. It’s special. 

Head over to The Pushback and read my entire interview with Nicole!