Thursday, October 14, 2010

Excuse my absence

Wow, I haven’t written a new post in AWHILE! My apologies, it was never my intention to just up and leave my Mommy Glow. Life has been very stressful and I really couldn’t mentally take another thing on my plate. I’ve been in a real funky mood and have had a lot of changes going on that I haven’t really adapted well too. On top of that my daughter started Kindergarten and then turned 5, I turned 5, and her Father decided that he didn’t want to be a Father anymore and he wanted to take a break from being a parent for a month…but now wants to come back and act like everything is all gravy baby. And now I’m the bad guy because I won’t stand for his inconsistency. Oh and I turned 25 a few weeks ago. Oh and while I was away for my birthday weekend my car was towed and vandalized twice. Exciting!! Oh and I want to seriously drop out of school, I can’t mentally take the juggle and struggle of it all. I’m in my hardest semester in my entire college life and I’m pretty sure I’m going to fail at least 1 class. So yah, that and more is why I haven’t written, and I really apologize. But I literally have no down time, I don’t have any help with my daughter and I’m fricken stressed man. I always hear people say you need time for you. Well wouldn’t that be nice, but it’s not a luxury I have right now. I’m a single hard working mom. There is no break.