Monday, November 1, 2010

Ready for some Mamavation!!

Huh mamavation? Yes – mamavation! I believe I’ve stumbled upon a gold mine! Mamavation is a “Mamavation™ is an online docudrama and weight loss support group for moms in social media.” It’s a word I’ve added to my dictionary, and a word I suggest adding to yours!

I’m pledging my dedication to this wonderful movement by posting my first Monday mamavation post! Woo-Hoo. I’m excited about this journey and even more excited to connect with other moms who are dedicated to losing weight and getting healthy! There is strength in numbers!

Why weight loss? Why now? Well, I’m tired of putting it off, tried of coming up with excuses, and tired of being unhappy with my body appearance. The last 2 years have been tough for me mentally, emotionally, and physically. Many factors have lead to putting on a couple pounds, but the major ones being a lack of sleep and severe stress and anxiety. I learned a couple years back that I had sleep apnea, and was floored, because at that time I was thinner than what I am now and thought that only older obese people were to get it. But I was wrong. I have a mild (which feels like severe) case of sleep apnea, and I never sleep through the night. Stinks!!!! So a major part of jumping on the mamavation boat is to drop some lbs and kick this sleep apnea to the curb because it has severely ruined my life!! In addition I’m a full time working mom, full time student, and single mom! I hardly have a minute to sit down and breathe! My days are long and rushed and stressed, and eating healthy most of the time is not on my list of priorities. Which has caused me to go to the most convenient food..which is almost always the unhealthiest.

So, here I come mamavation! Looking forward to losing weight, getting healthy, and becoming more active!! I’m not going to reveal how much I weigh...yet, but will keep you updated on my progress. There is no better time than the present and I’m looking forward to recommitting to my health and wellness!

Weekly Goals:

My goals this week, just starting out, is to exercise at least twice for 30 minutes. On top of that I am going to try to eat healthier snacks and DRINK MORE WATER!

Are you also on a weight loss journey? Share your story! Also if you have any tips or yummy healthy recipes, send them my way!!

Tweet me: YoungFabMama ... I'm forever tweeting about mamavation!!