Friday, January 21, 2011

Favorite Quote Friday

"It's easy to be negative and unmotivated, but it takes some work to be positive and motivated. While there's no off button for those relentless "tapes," there are things that you can do to turn down the volume and shift your focus from the negative to the positive."
-Donna Cardillo, R.N.
Speaker, entrepreneur, humorist, master motivator.

Your perspective is everything.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Having the right perspective is key!

  2. Thanks for always sharing the great quotes!

  3. Great quotes :) Thanks for sharing :)

  4. Perspective really IS everything. Sometimes all it takes is changing your perspective in order to change your situation. Oh yea.. and surrounding yourself with positive and like-minded people goes a VERY long way. Here's to getting rid of toxic people!

  5. Pushing past unmotivation is something that I learned I must be conditioned for. It's like a mental struggle. But the more you push, the sweeter things gets. I'm pushing everyday. ;)


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